This is a list of the pages on my site
that have the amazing art work
of James O'Barr
from his graphic novel,
'The Crow.'
Michael and Andrea,
as much as you would
have liked to believe otherwise,
'The Crow' was never about
Andrea and Scott or
Michael and Vanessa.
Those marriages weren't about love,
they were about loss, agony, and pain.
And although 'The Crow'
is also about these,
it is also about joy and love,
love that has no bounds,
not distance, not time, and not death,
which is what Scott and I are about.
So, click below to see true love...
Click here for an interview
with James O'Barr,
Creator of 'The Crow,'
This is so much how I feel now,
'The Crow' was such a big part of
Scott and I,
No coincidences in life...
"If love proves real,
two people who are meant
to be together,
nothing can keep them apart..."
Background from 'The Crow'
by James O'Barr
Created April 5, 2000
by Scott and Vanessa Hooper
You are the
person to visit
Thanks to Abstract Fonts for the font Mael (The Crow Font)